Launch of New Online Learning Portal
The Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) has launched a new platform]({:target=”_blank”} for online learning on 2 January 2018. The “SAC eLearning Portal” serves as a flexible learning tool for SAC stakeholders, allowing 24/7 online access to learning materials and resources to stay abreast of the latest developments and upgrade competency in accreditation-related matters.
As a start, the portal offers four modules, covering topics on accreditation and SAC: These modules include:
- Introduction to Accreditation and SAC
- Understanding Mutual Recognition Arrangements
- Accreditation Process
- Accreditation Requirements
Introductory page for the module on “Introduction to Accreditation and SAC”
Learners who go through these four modules will be equipped with basic knowledge and concepts important to accreditation and SAC. For example, the “Accreditation Process” module will allow learners to appreciate the process of obtaining accreditation from the start to the end. The SAC eLearning Portal will also provide learning materials from events and workshops as well as supplementary documents from international fora.
Although access to this e-learning portal is currently only for SAC volunteers, it will eventually be extended to SAC-accredited conformity assessment bodies in future.
To visit the SAC eLearning Portal, please visit {:target=”_blank”}.
The web-based portal is compatible with major internet browsers.